Some Macro-moths from Tarifa
My main interests are birds and butterflies, moths in particular. I always try to find some when travelling abroad, but without a trap I had to cope with random lamps around the hotel. Not the greatest catch, but I managed to put a name to most of them:
Cerastis faceta. Occuras around the western part of the Mediterranean. A polyphagous species with a number of host plants.
Cilix hispanica. A moth in the Drepanidae-family, found around the western Mediterranean. Mainly on Prunus - species (plums, cherries etc).
Shuttle-shaped Dart (Agrotis puta). Mainly in southern Europe and North-Africa, but recorded a few times as far north as Scandinavia.
Waved Umber (Menophra abruptaria). Occurring as far north as the south of UK across central Europe to Switzerland and southern Germany. The larvae feed on garden privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium) and lilac (Syringa vulgaris).
Mniotype occidentalis. Mainly in Spain and North Africa. A worn specimen, but I'm fairly certain it must be this species.
Cork-oak Lappet (Phyllodesma suberifolia). On Querqus suber and Q. ilex. Southern France, Iberia and North Africa.
Small Blood-vein (Scopula imitaria). Over much of Europe including southern half of UK and Denmark.
Mullein Wave (Scopula marginepunctata). A mainly coastal species found as far north as UK and Sweden.
Lunar Thorn (Selenia lunularia). This species is actually one of 3 Selenia-species that can also be found in Norway, but this was the only one not present in Western Norway, and therefore also the one I had not seen before. A generalist living on a number of different trees and bushes.
Cilix hispanica. A moth in the Drepanidae-family, found around the western Mediterranean. Mainly on Prunus - species (plums, cherries etc).
Shuttle-shaped Dart (Agrotis puta). Mainly in southern Europe and North-Africa, but recorded a few times as far north as Scandinavia.
Gerinia honoraria (=Campaea honoraria). On a wide range of different trees.
Idaea eugeniata. In southern Europe on different herbs.
Small Blood-vein (Scopula imitaria). Over much of Europe including southern half of UK and Denmark.
Mullein Wave (Scopula marginepunctata). A mainly coastal species found as far north as UK and Sweden.
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